With Cape Town moving into crisis status with the current water shortages, we can’t help wonder about the human tendency to avoid making changes until faced with an extreme threat. We don’t make dietary changes until we get really ill, we don’t work less until we burn out, we won’t significantly reduce our water consumption until our taps run dry. (Big sigh) Why, oh why do we do this?
Our mission at Earthchild Project is motivated by the belief that many of our personal and societal problems come from being disconnected. We believe that once we deeply experience our interconnection and interdependence… once we feel a deep love and respect for ourselves and all life… naturally our actions would be in line with the highest good of Self, Other & Earth. This is really the aim of teaching children yoga, mindfulness, worm farming and gardening… to inspire them to look after their bodies, to look after their communities and to look after the Earth.
In addition to doing practices that deepen our connection, we can also ask the question “If everyone on the planet acted as I did, how would the world be?” Would you then pick up that piece of litter, eat less meat, offer to help a stranger, purchase a reusable takeaway coffee cup, or seriously reduce your water consumption? Let’s give it a go… for the next week, let us imagine what the collective impact would be if each and every action were amplified in this way!