Take 5 Audio Meditation Campaign

Earthchild Project is excited to introduce Take 5 – a campaign that brings together South Africans of all ages and backgrounds in a collective effort to create peace and well-being through simple daily guided meditation.

About Take 5

We have produced a 5-minute guided audio meditation, available in five different languages; English, isiXhosa, Afrikaans, isiZulu and seSotho. The audio can be used by all South Africans irrespective of age, gender, culture, or location.

With the increase of stress, anxiety, and general mental health issues across the country and world, Take 5 offers everyone a free tool to help relax, recharge, and build resilience – both individually and collectively.

To participate, go to www.take5.world to sign up and receive the audio meditation track before 1 September.  Take 5 will run throughout September, and we are inviting you to join in the month-long meditation movement.

Join the Movement

  • To sign up go to take5.world and capture your name, contact details, select your language preference, and submit.
  • Join our WhatsApp channel which will be shared with you after signing up online.
  • The audio meditation track will be shared through our WhatsApp channel before 1 September.
  • As of 1 September play the 5-minute audio meditation daily alongside thousands of South Africans, in your own space.

Participate Online

  • Follow our social media pages Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
  • Share your Take 5 experience on social media throughout the month of September.
  • Use our hashtag #Take5